INTO THE LIGHT Ein Tag im Leben einer Motte
Eine Motte schlüpft aus ihrem Kokon und entdeckt die Welt einer Motte in allen wetterlagen. In der Abendämmerung entdeckt sie eine Haus mit einer Kerze im Fenster die sie magisch anzieht. Offen für die Interaktion mit der Flamme handelt sie aufgrund ihrer mangelnden Erfahrung instinktiv und fliegt daher der Flamme entgegen. Unsere Motte symbolisiert Hoffnung, Widerstandsfähigkeit und Transfor-mation - aber auch Vergänglichkeit, Verletzlichkeit und Obsession.
© 2024 ein Animationsfilm von Alina Szpilman
SOS Tibetan Childrens Village Bylakuppe in India DOC
A Documentary about the Tibetan Childrens Village Bylakuppe, India, where my godchild went to High School. It is a SOS Kinderdorf, financed and erected from SOS Kinderdorf Holland in 1980 and based on the founder Hermann Gmeiner principles. 1700 Tibetan Children are studying there with staff. 30 hours of Video, a lot of Pictures & Background Information has been collected until today.
As Spin off, is a Webseries about the "Tibetan Childrens Village" planned, so that more of the 30 hours Videomaterial can be used. © 2020 Project idea by Andy Svensson |
SOS TCV Bylakuppe sample Clip over 31'000 views
When Inday, a 11 year old Philipina, is sent during monsoon time to bring her grandma some fresh cooked chicken with rice. She slipps and falls down on the wet ground. Her father grabs her and presses her face into the dirt and she cant breath anymore, Her mom sees hi out of her kitchen, runs out of the hut and threaten him with her machete. He releases Inday. She has enough & decides to leave this place to go to Manila to her older sister. She takes a picture of her older sister, jumps on a bus as blind passenger and after some stops and adventures on her way, she one day finally arrives in Manila as blind passenger on a banana boat. After three days searching, she finally finds her sister almost starved. But when she falls in Love with a foreigner she get's kicked out by her sister because she forbid her to meet the foreigner. A year later it comes out, that the sister made some extra money dealing with drugs and ends up in prison.
But when she arrives at the house of her foreign friend, he organizes an other apartment for her, since he has another relationship with another Philipina going. But when his money finishes, he has to go back to Switzerland after a year in the Philippines. She looses contact with him and goes back to her parents Island. The mans mother urges him to get married, but he cant find Inday anymore, so he fetches the other girlfriend. But she hangs around at the nightclubs and arrives drunk in the middle of the night, His mother is embarassed about her behaviour and he sends her back to Manila and tries to find Inday. But she's not there anymore.......
© 2007-2015 Script in Development by Andy Svensson.
© 2007-2015 Script in Development by Andy Svensson.