YT 501'754 views (5.12.09 - 20.8.21) NFA YT 12,995 views (18.4.08-20.8.21) Total: 514'749 views (Offline)
Every Year over 300'000 people cross the US Border illegally through the desert from Mexico. In a group of many, Manuel & Hannibal are the only ones who manage it this time. After running out of food & water, they find a lonely trailer. A dramatic short film about dreams, goals, choices & friendship.
![]() Florian René Wyss, Filmmaker
What nowadays happens at the border control be- tween the U.S.A. and Mexico is not unique in the world. In Europe we are confronted with the same problem with the influx of economic refugees. As a filmmaker I was interested to tell a human-interest story reflecting the predicaments and moral dilemmas individuals are faced with under certain circumstances. An article in the National Geographic magazine inspi- red me and I asked myself the question: What happens if two illegal immigrants get into a situation where each decision has irreversible consequences for all ? Due to our choice of location, we encountered how sensitive and delicate the political issue is during the production, considering the story is based on fiction. Since the central characters were of Latin descent, it provoked controversy. While shooting our short film, we witnessed the prejudices, misgivings and tensions concerning the issue at first hand, which was an eye-opener. It turned out, that the place where we shot our scene with the trailer, belonged to a minuteman* and I had to ensure, that my actors were not drawn into heated discussions over political issues. There were some moments, when it required tact and diplomacy, to prevent the tensions from escalating into any unpleasantness. Even as a student filmmaker, it was surprising to find how many actors in Hollywood are willing to get involved in a low-budget production, but there was a distinct lack of actors with Latin background in the movie scene. From a limi- ted choice of three I was fortunate to work with 2 actors of such a high caliber. Florian Wyss, Writer & Director
2007 12.10. New York Film Academy screening W.Bros
2008 29.02. Lichtspielfilmtage Winterthur - Switzerland 2009 24.10. Yosemite Internat. Film Fest - California 2009 26.10. Chashama Film Festival - New York - USA 2009 22.11. Boston Latino Film Festival - Boston - USA 2010 31.03. El Festival de Cine de Granada - Spain 2010 30.04. Los Angeles Short Film Festival - selected 2010 30.06. San Francisco Short Film Festival - USA 2010 06-7 Yourindiefilm.com Online short Film Festival 2010 18.09. Punta del Este Doc & Fict. F. Urug Award 2010 31.07. Screening of Award Films in Punta Del Este Comments of the Winners 2010 2010 30.09. Fest. de Cine Int. de Barcelona - Best Edit 2010 30.11. Festival du Cinema de Bruxelles - Belgium 2012 16.08. Festival du Film de Strasbourg - France 2013 23.05. Open-Air Huziken, Rubigen (Münsingen, BE) 2014 1-14.5 Frontex: Europ. Day for Border Guards PL AOL American Online Festival 2014 |
Illegal Immigration
Type Length Original Version Language Country Written & directed by Produced by Cinematography by Edited by Music by Distribution: Cast Hannibal Manuel Police Officer Waitress Diner John, old Man |
Short Feature Film 7'42" 16mm, released on Video Spanish with Engl. Subtitles USA / California 2007 Florian Wyss Andy Svensson, Oscar Lauterbach, Florian Wyss Martin Albisetti Florian Wyss Louis Schornoz ASVE Film Productions www.vimeo.com Link Julio Dominguez Paul Alayo Neil Ruddy Liz Anne Keigley Maury Brooks |

AWARD Ceremony in Punta Del Este, Uruguay
On 18th Sept. 2010 the Swiss Ambassador Hans-Ruedi Bortis was handed over the Special Mention Award in representation of Florian Wyss by Carlos Martinez, the Director of the "Annual Program without Frontiers" Film Festivals & Roxana Ukmar, the president of the Jury of the Festival in Punta del Este.
© 2007 Photos by Andy Svensson, Switzerland © 2007 Photos by Andy Svensson, Switzerland